
We believe in making things as simple as possible. Therefore, we've created this page that allows you to download our content such as standard business documents (e.g., mutual non-disclosure agreement, rate sheet, design & development agreement, etc.) along with additional information on our company (e.g., our print marketing files and learning guides). When it comes to transparency, less is not more!

Business Documents

Every project and contract will take on a shape of its own but by having a general understanding of our starting point, we feel you will be better informed in making your decision of which company you want to do business with. If you have any questions or just want to chat, please click the button below to get in touch.

Our Rate Sheet

Our Standard Manufacturing Terms & Conditions

Our Standard Design & Development Agreement

Marketing & Learning

We love what we do and want to share our passion with you! Please review our print marketing and learning guides which we try to regularly update with new content. If you have any questions or just want to chat, please click the button below to get in touch.

Our Mfg. Services Flyer

Our Product Design Brochure

Our Product Design Phase Overview

Let's Talk!

What type of service(s) are you interested in?
How can we reach you?
What would you like to discuss?